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Ideas are just a multiplier of execution

Ideas are just a multiplier of execution.

Derek Sivers

Following that concept, an idea without execution is nothing. It's the execution that constitutes most of your results.

Most of us have been in a situation when we had an idea we though would make people's life easier and yet not it into action. What happened a few months later? You saw a similar product being invented and sold by someone else. Details might have been different but the core was the same. The author executed the plan, you did not.

The piece of advice for today is "don't wait until youre ready". You never will be. I've been waiting for a very long time for "readiness" of mine for oficially becoming a coach. Postponed it over and over again and yet situation, although different, was still unfavourable.

There will always be something. A family issue, problems at work, a car bump... Most usually it's better to just start and figure out and polish the project as you work on it in contrast to waiting for your "readiness" that will never come.

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