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Where do You Get the Time for all of This?

The amount of hours is the only equal thing for all of us.

Unfortunately it wasn't me who came up with this statement, but DAMN, it's good! I've heard it from Tony Robbins (obviously).

At exactly that moment it struck me. We can complain that other people had more advantageous in the past. They might have been born in a "better" environment, with more money, without abusive parents, with great schools and even great genes!

But, at the end of the day, the most important currency, THE TIME, is equal to all of us. We can all "manipulate" it, make a minute feel like it's a second or an hour. None of us can exchange it, save it, have more of it.

All in all, when it comes to the most important thing, the most important element that is needed in the equation that we create as we go through our life, is all the same. Sure, we all wish at one point (or on a regular basis ;D) that we had more money. But, in my case, the frequency of that wish is nowhere close to the one I used to say a few times a day (!). "I wish I had more time".

There in no "more". There is a certain reserve of it and that's it. So, I guess, we might as well use it in the best way possible. And let's stop saying excuses like "I envy you, I wish I had so much time for X". You do, you're just not using it the same way.

And, God knows, I'm still learning that concept as I'm writing this post. I figure, it's one of these things that can never be mastered, but on the other hand, we can never let ourselves stop trying.

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